Thursday, 31 January 2013

New concept blaster in development

Me and my friend are working on a new concept blaster specifically for beginner modders or stock people who just want some extra oomph. Am working on it right now :) will be posting pictures of blue prints for you to criticize. Bad and good feedback welcome. Until then comment below with any advice or ideas. This will be a open source project. ( not for profit, may change later) maybe deciding to give money generated to snw charities!!! Allen

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

First Production Video (Just for fun) The Beginnings

Hi guys,

Yesterday I was messing around with my cameras and I made a sports camera (essentially a compact camera on a tactical rail attachment (sight) lol). I then made a video of it with my DSLR involved as well (for those of you who don't know what a DSLR is it can be found here

I have the privilege of owning a DSLR which I got from my parents so I wanted to put it to good use!! For Nerf wars at home!! And maybe for to film at Sydney Nerf Wars as well!!! I am so pumped for the 9th February FFS: Eye in the Sky!!! (Event can be found by typing "Sydney Nerf Wars" on Facebook or by following this link Here is the link to their website as well, it will explain what an "FFS" is as there is so much information I can't fit it into one blog post!!

So now back on topic. I made a video experimenting with Adobe Premiere Elements (YES I did put my school laptop to good use) and I made a video-in-video overlay which is so cool!! You may not know what it is but it is essentially a video in a video (A smaller sized video window is placed in a larger video window). YES, you may think it's complicated but it's actually easier done than said!!!

So here's my video.

Please enjoy and make sure to come back for more on Nerf news, unboxings, reviews, and videos.

Signing off,

Allen (Nitefinder49)

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Nerf Rayven Accuracy Test

Hi guys this is my first proper video in ages that I have done! I had some fun making it so please enjoy!!

Monday, 28 January 2013

Nerf Magstrike AS-10 Review

Hi guys,

2 days ago I went on holidays and on the way back I picked up  Nerf Magstrike at Kmart for $15. I was intrigued by the blaster and had never seen it before and as an added bonus it was on sale!!!

Let me first define what the blaster is. The Nerf Magstrike AS-10 is a rapid fire air blaster that can shoot continuously without batteries. It is dangerous to underestimate it in Nerf wars as it can be used for a quick getaway or close confrontation (such as an ambush). 

So here are some pics of me opening the blaster!!

So here is the blaster unopened:
Looks pretty promising. Could probably put an rscb in it with a bbumb (BuzzBee Ultimate Missile Blast) tank or simply by more mags :).

Here it is outside the box!! Soo happy right now!!

Other side: (Note that the darts are orange for the majority of the dart instead of being black for the base that is shown on the box)

Back of the box shows us that it can give us a 10 dart burst (chuckles)

Out of the plastic now!!! Finally I get my hands on the blaster!!

Now for the review!!

The factors I will be reviewing it from are as follows:
  1. Range
  2. Accuracy
  3. Usefulness
  4. Rate of fire (ROF)
  5. Value for money
  6. Capacity


The range of the Nerf Magstrike AS-10 can shoot pretty far at a distance of 9-11m (30-35 feet) which is great for a stock blaster that doesn't use batteries. But you can also attribute that to the whistlers as whistlers are good darts to use.

Rating: 9/10


The accuracy of the Nerf Magstrike AS-10 is uncanny. I've used it when playing with my brother and it is just unbelievable. Fast, accurate and safe to use!!! I would give it an 8 as it is so good for a rapid-fire blaster as most rapid-fire blasters you would expect that they have a wide spread (for the darts).

Rating: 8/10


In a Nerf war this blaster would be very useful although you would need more clips or RSCBing it would be nice. Clips are expensive as you have to buy another Magstrike to get a clip. What I think Nerf should do is include one more clip or a clip pack. That would be great. As  for in Nerf wars, I haven't used it yet as I haven't had the chance to go to any but I might test it out with VelocityTag's darts (specially made darts to increase performance but still safe to use, website is offline still but purchases can be made through eBay by looking up "VelocityTag" or going on the forums and looking in the trading section and you'll find it there)

It would be very effective as a getaway blaster or ambush blaster in Nerf wars as it has a high ROF (Rate of fire) and you can reload it easily (that's if you have the clips).

I would give it a 7/10 for usefulness.

Rate of fire (ROF)

The ROF of this blaster is just amazing!! Comparable to a Nerf Stampede!! It just blew me away when I fired it for the first time!! It is so fast and accurate as I mentioned before. 

I would give it a 10/10 for ROF.

Value for money

The value of this blaster is usually $25-$30 bnib (brand new in box) but I got it for $15 as it was on clearance at Kmart. Well I live in Australia so I'm not sure about the USA as the USA may have discontinued this blaster for some other reason.

 I would give the price for this blaster a 9/10 as it is bang for your buck!!


The capacity of this blaster is only 10 darts but you can always buy more magazines although that'll be expensive even with the clearances going on. But if you like this blaster then I would get the magazines as it's just so much fun!!

Rating: 7/10


Total rating 44/50

The Nerf Magstrike is a great blaster and can be used quickly to get a quick getaway or ambush.

Test fire

Thanks for reading my Nerf Blog. Please check out my other articles. And remember to keep on Nerfing.

Signing off,


Saturday, 26 January 2013

Nerf Rayven CS-18 Review

Nerf Rayven CS-18


The Nerf Rayven CS-18 is now one of my favourite blasters as unlike the Stampede it is very light, compact and easy to modify. These factors make it a very well rounded blaster and is good for Nerfers that are new to the hobby.

Review time!


1. Range
2. Accuracy
3. Usefulness
4. Rate of fire
5. Capacity
6. Value for money

1. Range

The range of this blaster when it is stock is quite amazing when compared to other N-Strike Stock Blasters. It could consistently hit 11-12m when using Rechargeable AA batteries (1.2V each). So logically if you were using 4 X 1.5V batteries you would be able to get even more range with the blaster. Also you have the choice of modifying the blaster to shoot further. What I would recommend is to use 12.6V (3 Trustfires charged to 4.2V) as I think 16.8V is too much and will burn out the motors too easily. When using the Trustfires you will be met with a menacing but powerful blaster which has a great ROF (Rate of Fire).

2. Accuracy

The accuracy of the Rayven can vary as it depends what foam darts you are using and if you have voltage increased your blaster as well. If you have it as stock then it is pretty accurate and the same for when it has been voltage increased with Silicone Tip Foam Darts or Stingers.

3. Usefulness

 The Rayven is quite useful to have when in a battle as it is very compact and durable. Besides the noise of the motor (you can't sneak up on people unless you shoot at the last minute) the Rayven is quite the blaster.

4. Rate of Fire (ROF)

The rate of fire of this beastly blaster is comparable to the Stampede when it has been modified. Although stock still has quite a high ROF. This kind of rate of fire comes in handy when you need a quick burst to get away.

5. Capacity

The capacity of this blaster is at the most 35 foam darts (using a 35 dart drum). Besides the clip that comes with it you can also use other clips and drums as well with it which is quite useful and saves you money if you have already got clips or drums.

6. Value for Money

The Rayven is a great blaster to have at the price of $29 from Target. It is well worth it as you can just sell the clip and get some money back for what you paid for.


The Rayven is a great all rounder blaster as it has 2 tactical rails and a barrel extension. It is great value for money and I reckon you should get it if your local stores have it as it is also an easy blaster to modify.

A range test video will be uploaded soon comparing Stock and Modified Rayvens.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Nerf Rayven CS-18 Unboxing

Hi Guys,

Today I got the Nerf Rayven CS-18 for $29!!!! It was well worth the money!!! An I was so excited when I got it. Can't wait to get Trustfires for it!!It's already pretty powerful which is good. It's also very light and I can adjust the voltage I want by how many batteries I put in it! Below are some pictures of the blaster. I will also be uploading a review and range test.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Stampede keeps on jamming

Hi guys,

Sorry for not posting for a couple of days. I've been busy with other stuff.. Anyway this morning I gone to test out my stampede but it keeps on jamming!!! I suspect it is due to needing the batteries replaced so I'll try doing that. Otherwise I might have to keep it as spare parts, sell it or get someone to fix it for me.

Have any of you guys encountered the same problem? Have you gotten it fixed?

Signing off,


Thursday, 17 January 2013

Stampede with batteries (Unmodded)

Today I got 6 X D batteries for my Stampede as I finally had enough money to buy them!!! I was so excited when I got home and put in the D batteries into my Stampede!! It was so exciting when I finally pressed the trigger after months of waiting to get batteries for my Stampede!! And I can tell you, the Stampede is a beast when it comes to semi-automatic fire as demonstrated in the video!

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Nerf Stampede Battery Kit

Hi guys,

I'm planning on getting a battery kit for my Nerf Stampede as I'd like to unleash the awesome power of the blaster. Currently I can't use my stampede as it has no batteries so I would like to choose a cheap and lighter alternative to D batteries for the long term.

D batteries can be really expensive when you add them up over the months as they can be used very quickly and don't provide much power as compared to some other batteries.

The battery kit that I want to buy consists of:

  • 4 X 3.7V Trustfires 900Mah (4.2 volts when fully charged)
  • 6 X D to AA battery adapters
  • 2 X AA Dummy batteries
  • Trustfire charger
And that should be all if I haven't forgot anything.

Anyway if you are looking to modify your Stampede then this is a sure way to get started! Also you can add a stronger spring, padding and O-ring as well if you like.

Any questions? What do you use in your Stampede?

Signing off,


Friday, 11 January 2013

Welcome to my new Nerfing Blog

Hi guys,

As you might not know I have moved to as I have wanted to start over with the blogging side of Nerf.

As the new year comes in there will be implemented more change. I have chosen to move to this host as Blogger seems quite easy to use and has more features and is less restrictive when it comes to uploading photos, writing posts, labels, permalinks and the like.

I am looking forward to working with you guys to make this blog an enjoyable one for you and me as well.

Thanks for taking the time to view my blog. There will be more posts coming up soon enough!!!